Benefits, Coconut, Coconut Oil, Health, Oil

Coconut Oil – Health Benefits

Coconut oil has gained popularity in recent years, and with good reason . Contains many health benefits of boosting the immune system, increasing the absorption of minerals, anti-aging effects and interesting that boost metabolism help you lose weight! Sounds good, is not it . As it becomes more popular among athletes and celebrities can expect to hear a lot more about the benefits of coconut oil for the amazing health ! 

A healthy fat that helps burn fat!

While more than 90 % of the fatty acids in coconut oil are saturated fats are not the same as saturated fats found in animal products and in fact the main reason is so healthy . Saturated coconut fat derived from medium chain triglycerides – ( MCT) , which the body does not easily stored as fat . Instead , the body prefers to use MCT as a fuel source , which means they are burned for energy instead of storing them as fat or do you stick to artery walls . MCTs are shorter than the long chain (LCT ) that supply interruption fast and efficient service found in other fats and oils, and less work to the source.

The good news does not stop there. The rapid digestion of MCT in the body has a thermo genic effect of combustion or calories that can actually help you burn more calories, plus you get the oil yourself, speed up your metabolism ! Of course, you still have to be a healthy diet and exercise regularly to get the benefits.

What about cholesterol ?

Again , unlike saturated meat fat, saturated fat in coconut oil actually increases levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Effects of coconut oil for health can be seen in the people of the Philippines and Asia , where he was the main source of dietary fat for thousands of years, while people remain thin obesity and heart disease is rare. So anyone who rejects the coconut oil because of its saturated fat content has clearly not done their research .

boost immunity

Coconut oil has a natural antibiotic effect in the body to kill the bad bacteria without harming the good bacteria to maintain a healthy gut . A healthy intestine is directly related to general health .

It also helps boost the immune system because of its high concentration of lauric acid and caprylic acid, fatty acids that have antibacterial properties, as potent antimicrobial and antiviral being studied in clinical trials to determine their potential to treat HIV / AIDS. Coconut oil also increases the absorption of minerals like calcium (bone) and magnesium ( nerve function and youthful skin ) and amino acids (by mass ) of the food we eat .

How to use

Coconut oil can be used instead of other vegetable fats or oils from an alternative to food or for cooking. It has a very mild taste and be solid at room temperature , which has the same texture and consistency as butter. By doing this simple switch that can really help you lose weight through TCM.

When it comes to cooking , coconut oil is probably the best option because it has a high smoke point ( the heat you can tolerate before being damaged) Unlike unsaturated vegetable oils that become sick or damaged when exposed to high pressure and temperature (I sunflower oil or rape seed oil) . While other vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil is very healthy and full of heart and skin healthy antioxidants that are best kept for salads or added to foods once they were cooked, and they may also suffer damage from high heat .

You can even use coconut oil topically to dry skin or to help relieve skin burnt by the sun, while accelerating the healing process. You can also help improve the condition of hair , which minimizes protein loss ( which makes hair dry and brittle ) and helps to relieve dry scalp conditions such as dandruff .

Although coconut oil certainly offers many health benefits , it is important to note that this is a good or bad fat and all fats are high in calories. One tablespoon of coconut oil contains about 120 calories . You can still enjoy all the benefits of healthy fats, provided they are used sparingly and the factor of calories from total calories .

Buy coconut oil

When buying coconut food store oil is the best choice . Blank look , and if possible, organic coconut oil , but more importantly, make sure that the brand decided says:

Without chemicals.
Expect to hear a lot more about the coconut oil in the future as its many health benefits continue to be discovered … and especially if you talk to me for more than five minutes.

David Gowing is a trainer , health and fitness personal trainer and a former model. It provides insider tips for men and women seeking a slim, fit and healthy . It also focuses on the health of the skin and anti -aging techniques.

Following his own advice David is still lean and defined the year. It does not recommend diet or restrictive gym life.

” When you know what foods to eat and exercise properly , you should not obsess over calories or workout for hours each day. My goal is to help people achieve a body that does not look like you live in the gym. men with a body that is fit, athletic and muscular, but still look good in clothes. , and for women a slim, toned and defined as a swimsuit model . believe that kinds of body that everyone wants . “

Health, Coconut Oil, Coconut, Benefits, Oil

Coconut Oil – Health Benefits

via coconut oil weight loss


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